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▪️Traditionally, uvuma-omhlope is used to produce clear vision when entering into a trance.

▪️Root infusions are also used in rituals and assist diviners to `see' in a metaphysical sense.

▪️Uvuma-omhlope is also used in an `ubulawu' mix.

Ubulawu is used to induce vivid/lucid dreams (traditionally connecting and communicating with one's ancestral spirits, having visionary and prophetic dreams, divination and finding answers to specific questions).

▪️For best results, we suggest brewing powdered uvuma-omhlope roots in boiling water for about 5 minutes, straining the mixture, and drinking it like a regular tea no more than 1 hour before going to bed.

▪️Using Uvuma-omhlope as part of your regular night time schedule will ensure dreams to remember!

Uvuma Omhlope | Synaptolepis Kirkii | Ubulawu Family | Xhosa Dream Roots

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