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May assist with:





▪️The mixture with Tsunu ash traditionally known by the indigenous people is enhanced with a hint of mint (Mentha piperita).

▪️This refreshing hapé opens your inner vision and lifts your spirit, bringing prosperity and protection against negative spirits.

▪️Its energy acts on the mental, emotional, and physical bodies, providing stress relief, energetic discharge, physical healing, acting mainly on the third eye, throat, and solar plexus chakras; it provides a connection with nature and helps to concentrate and firm the thoughts.

▪️It is strong, warming and stimulating, tonic, and helps restore mental and physical energy levels.

▪️Used widely to combat headaches, stress relief, anxiety and depression. Causes relaxation and improves sleep, and acts as an expectorant.

▪️Great for strengthening immunity.

In addition, it is a source of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. This combo of vitamins and minerals is very rich for protecting the body from infection and inflammation. This is why many users notice a significant improvement in rhinitis and sinusitis.


3g Vial


These unregistered medicines have not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for their quality, safety or intended use. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your health care practitioner before consuming any of our products. Consult your Doctor if your pregnant or breastfeeding.

Tsunu | Grounding | Healing | Balancing

VAT Included


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