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May assist with:

Third Eye Opening

Aligning energies




▪️Blend allows working with the Great Mystery operating with the power of the Queen of the Waters.

▪️Creates strong movement of liquids in the nose, face, brain, and lymphatic system of the whole body.

▪️Works on the higher chakras, specifically sixth and seventh, opening one to intimate states of contemplation and relaxation.

▪️Reintegrates the energy of the entire being, due to its intensity.

▪️Kundalini, the energy of the Golden Serpent, is the source of this rapé’s special power. Touching the sinus, third eye, and crown energy centers with a rush of warm heat and light, and entering them immediately. Bringing the root chakra into balance, crystalline energy spirals down into the heart, solar plexus, and base of the spine.

▪️This potent Sananga Rape effortlessly eliminates and destroys barriers, leaving you with crystalline energy from crown to base. This allows you to better access the energy of the Golden Serpent Kundalini.

*Antimicrobial and magical energy clearing (panema) effects of Sananga

A lovely fine powder - very small doses would be used initially as intake would normally make the eyes begin to water. Surges of energy and increasing power are obvious very quickly after intake - followed by a lasting gentle, peaceful mental zone. The spiritual effects are strong - and the cerebral tension release that accompanies it are perhaps why it is treasured in the Jungle. It may cause a slight burning sensation as the sananga does its thing.

Sananga Rapeh | 3rd Eye Chakra | Crown Chakra |

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