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Forest soul: Fertility, Healing Relationships

Strong impact zone: Crown chakra, Base chakra, Heart Chakra

▪️Profound blend for connecting with the celestial, angelic and cosmic realms.

▪️Useful for helping to open the heart and crown chakras in order to connect deeply with Spirit.

Samauma is seen as the Mother of all trees and the Forest Queen. He is the greatest of them all and gives shade to others. This tree is well known spiritually and has always been present in local rituals and myths. They believe that it has magical powers to protect other trees and forest inhabitants. Some beliefs say that Samaúma is the seat of the spirits that live in the forest. It is also commonly known as the "Tree of Life" and "Ladder of Heaven", creating a connection between Heaven and Earth. For these reasons, it is a medicine that can provide a very strong spiritual connection and protection.

The healing properties of Samauma include its diuretic effect. It is widely used to treat the stomach (stomach water) and malaria. According to the forest people, its bark is a revitalizing and powerful remedy for female fertility. They also use it to help with childbirth.

Kuntanawa Samauma works intensively on our crown chakra, which is responsible for our connection with the Astral plane. Due to its impact on the abdominal area, it can also act in our umbilical cord chakra, dealing with our relationships.

Samauma | Ascension | Crown Chakra | Heart Chakra | Grounding

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