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This very strong Huni Kuin Rapé is blended with those cacao ashes. The ashes of the cacao beans are mixed with the Mapacho to create a powerful prayer with the sacred plants. This Rapé is great for cultivating courage, opening the heart, and bringing joy & happiness.


Energetically, this blend clears and activates all of the chakras with a special emphasis on the heart, solar plexus and third eye.


If you need an energetic boost to break through your limitations with your intentions, this blend can help empower you. It will strengthen your intuition and can help to find spiritual purpose.








Very beneficial for the heart, as it contains polyphenols: which lower blood pressure


It contains magnesium which increases the strength of the heart and improves its condition, helping reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


It reduces anxiety and works as a natural antidepressant as it contains dopamine and serotonin, which promote mental health and a good mood.


Promote a sense of well-being


Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and a natural anticancer


It reduces the risk of diabetes, prevents anemia, and helps regulate the gut.


It contains the alkaloid theobromine, a vasodilator, a diuretic, and heart stimulant.



* This does not come with a kuripe. This is the hapé only. If you need a kuripe, please make sure you add that to your cart.

Rapè Cacau

VAT Included


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