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▪️Used for general protection, hex breaking & shielding

▪️Ward off negetivity and remove unwanted energies when sprinkled around the house

▪️It is protective when dealing with deception

▪️Stops jelousy and gossip about one, by sprinkling it on one's picture

▪️Causes confusion and strife when tossed in the doorway or path of an enemy

▪️Strengthens the aura and protects the physical body when bathing with it

▪️Doesn't return bad energy, it just keeps it from reaching you

▪️ Creates strong energetic barriers which can be useful for both containing or deflecting energy

▪️Can be used to lifet a witch's curse from a person who has been cursed unlucky

✨Scatter in the corners of your home to create a protective ward

✨Burn to break hexes & psuchic attracks

✨Bury in the four corners of home to create a protective barrier and to encourage wealth and to bring peace into a home

✨Carry for travel protection

Protection Herbs | Curse Reversal | Travel Protection

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