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▪️Brings beauty , luck and power to the bearer

▪️Strengthens relationships, business & personal

▪️Stimulates creativity, inspiration and intuitive powers


☑️Opalite is subtle, yet It has high energetic qualities, making it an ideal stone for meditation.

☑️Opalite allows for smoother communication and open expression with yourself and with others. It is great for calming down anxiety and depressive tendencies.

☑️Opalite works with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras and consequently can enhance one’s psychic abilities, insight, and intuition. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians.


☑️Opalite can also attract peace, calm, and a good mood. This is why it’s one of the most popular gemstones for people who are going through rough patches in their life.

Opalite Bracelet | Beauty | Power | Luck | Relationships

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