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May assist with:





▪️This rapé is made by the Nukini Tribe from Brazil. It is a very strong, refined, elegant, and smooth rapé with a masculine warrior energy.

▪️Its main uses are for strong cleansing, immense grounding, releasing any entities, attachments, negative thoughts, deep sickness, and heavy energies.

▪️It is an an excellent rapé to use when you need to release any heavy emotions like anger. When you use this rapé, you will feel your energetic body get lighter as heavy energies dissipate.

▪️This is an excellent rapé to use when you feel like you might be coming down with a cold/flu or might already have one.

▪️It also has the ability to help reduce fever.

▪️This is the best rapé to use if you get sick.

▪️This is also a great rapé to use with Ayahuasca, Mushrooms, or other plant ceremonies if you feel any heavy energies during the ceremony.

▪️It can miraculously assist moving any blocked or stuck energies giving a newfound feeling of refreshment.

▪️It is also used sometimes at the end of a ceremony to cleanse and release any negative or heavy energies/entities that one might pick up during ceremony.

▪️Its also great to use after coming home from any heavy or stressful environments or where one might be exposed to a lot of different energies.

Nukini - Very Strong

VAT Included


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