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Night honey is a honey based Rootwork to activate a woman's deepest energies and empower her divine feminine.

• It enhances manifestation for women.

• Make you magnetic to both money and lovers.

• Enhances women's businesses/careers.

• Dominate enemies with kindness but undeniable power.

Using Night Honey Pt

Rituals and uses for traditional Night Honey.

• Candle Magick: rub a dab of night honey on any candle magic to speed up results and break blocks.

• New Love: wash your clothing with a dab of night honey in the water to attract wealthy partners.

• Money: dress a R10 note with night honey and roll into a tight roll. Bind with cotton thread and keep in your purse or wallet. This will attract money to you. Especially tips and gifts.

Using Night Honey Pt 2

Rituals and uses for traditional Night Honey.

• Reverse Evil Eye: to disarm a jealous person's evil intentions, write their name on the bottom of your shoe and add a dab of night honey. Their hate will go back in them and turn to admiration.

• Business Power 2: dancers, waitresses and others who make tips should mix a drop of night honey with perfume and rub it on their shoes to attract generous customers.

Using Night Honey Pt 3

Rituals and uses for traditional Night Honey.

• Keep Him Faithful: measure your man's member with a string (or print out a photo of it.Rub a thing layer of night honey over it. Tie/fold into a pair of your own underwear and keep under your mattress.

• Business Power 1: to attract customers, writr the business name 9x on a paper, burn it, mix the ashes with night honey, and use to draw a line across your business doorway

Using Night Honey Pt 4

Rituals and uses for traditional Night Honey.

• Head Bitch Work: to beat out competitive females in work or love, take a small jar of night honey with 3 coins in it and a bottle of rum to the grave yard. Leave at the front gate. You will be made top woman in your circle.

• Glamour Magick: mix night honey with oil and salt and scrub your body each Friday. You will gain great beauty that women admire and men crave after.

Night Honey FAQ

• Does Night Honey work for men?

No. There are other formulas for men but this doesn't work for them.

• Can I eat Night Honey or out it in my tea? No. It is not safe to eat or otherwise consume.

Night Honey | Love | Business | Career

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