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Have the power to make wishes come true and turn dreams into reality.

The most common use for a Mojo Wish Bean is to carry it for seven days, using it as a focus for the wish you want it to aid in coming true. After the seven days are up, you can throw your bean into running water, like a lake, river or stream or barry it. Within seven days your wish should come true. You may utilize your mojo wishing beans in a variety of other ways, too. Keep one of these wishing beans in your pocket or wallet as a good luck charm to bring abundance, success, money, and fortune.

They act as spiritual guardians, shielding you from negative energies, psychic attacks, and harmful influences. In many cultures, mojo beans are carried as talismans or amulets to create a protective barrier around the wearer.

One of the most powerful spiritual benefits of mojo beans is their ability to amplify positive energy. Just like a magnet attracts iron, mojo beans attract positivity and good vibes into your life. When you carry or keep mojo beans in your living space, they create a harmonious energy field that wards off negativity and invites in blessings.

5x Beans per sachet

Mojo Wish Beans | Lucky Beans

VAT Included


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