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Lucky Hand Oil is an old Hoodoo blend widely used by gamblers to bring success in games of chance. It can also be used to draw in love, overall luck, and can create new opportunities. It's an ideal blend for anointing charms, talismans, mojo bags, money, bank papers, lotto tickets, and other important documents.

What does Lucky Hand Oil do:

▪️Draw good old-fashioned luck.

▪️Boost success in games of chance, such as the lotto, card games, bingo, and betting.

▪️Help create new, often seemingly unattainable, and prosperous opportunities.

▪️Bring love, good fortune, and prosperity.


How to use Lucky Hand Oil:

Put some on your favorite colored candle to draw in new opportunities or to simply create some overall good luck. Anoint the palms of your hands with a bit of Lucky Hand Oil before handling any paper or documents related to money. You can dab a bit on your wallet, on a silver dime, or simply dab some on a cotton ball and place it in a purse pocket. Dab some in the heels of your shoes when playing games of chance or while searching for a new job. Anoint some on your business cards, rub some on your desk or put a few drops in the bath before a first date. If you own a business, rub some on your front doors and place some in the cash register.


How to use Lucky Hand Oil in a Spell or Ritual:

For a candle divination, choose a candle color that best serves your purpose. Red for passion, pink for love, orange for new opportunities, yellow for success, and green for money. Working with a white candle is also very powerful and can act as a substitute for all colors except black. If you are trying to rid yourself of bad luck, use a black candle. Once you've selected your candle, get a small piece of brown paper bag and write down your wish or intention. Dab it with some Lucky Hand Oil. Fold the paper towards you, with the crease away. Turn it 90 degrees and fold it towards you one more time. Take your candle and anoint the candle with some Lucky Hand Oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards the wick to attract and from the wick to the base and away from you if you are trying to get rid of negativity. Then, place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and slide your petition underneath it. When you are ready, light the candle and state your intention

Lucky Hand Oil | Gambling | Luck

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