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Jezebel Oil is a traditional Louisiana Hoodoo Oil known to help a woman draw in a wealthy man or land a rich husband! It was allegedly used by prostitutes to help attract wealthy clients. It is also believed to help give a woman a favorable position in both business matters and love. It's the perfect oil to use when attempting to control a situation that involves interactions with the opposite sex and can also be used for any type of financial negotiation or transaction. It is a domination oil, so be careful how you use this! Finally, there are some who choose to use Jezebel oil as a cursing oil, particularly when it comes to an unsavory female.

It comes in a ½ oz glass bottle.

What does Jezebel Oil do:

✨Attract wealthy men and marriage proposals from rich men.

✨Promote success for women in business and finance.

✨Curse an objectionable, distasteful, or unpleasant woman.

✨Put women in a power position in negotiations or dealings, especially with men.


What are the ingredients in Jezebel Oil:

Our Jezebel Oil contains real Jezebel root, patchouli, calamus, witch grass, gentian, master of the woods, rose, and other potent love and commanding herbs.


How to use Jezebel Oil:

Jezebel Oil can be worn on the body, placed in the bath, and anointed onto jewelry or talismans. Rub it on your hand, dab it onto contracts, or other financial paperwork. It can be anointed onto business cards or simply dabbed on a cotton ball and carried in one's purse. Put a few drops in the heel of your shoes while going out on a date or when attending social functions.

Get two candles, one purple to represent you and one red to represent your target if it's regarding love, green for business matters or white for simply persuading another person. Get a white string and tie nine knots in it.

Make sure that every time you tie a single knot you are focusing exactly on what you want. Carve your name in the purple candle and carve the name or intention into the other candle. Anoint both candles with Jezebel Oil. Take the white string and wrap it around both candles so they are connected and then tie the string. When you are ready, light the candle and say a prayer

Jezebel Oil

R250,00 Regular Price
R150,00Sale Price
VAT Included


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