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Irresistible Me Oil is exclusive where when wearing it, you have an enchanting effect on the opposite sex. It's loaded with herbs and oils known to create a playful, alluring energy. Wear while attending a social function, date, night on the town, and even to spice up your current relationship!

What does Irresistible Me Oil do:

Enhance your natural allure and appeal.

▪️Add spice and playfulness to your current relationship.

▪️Draw in romantic love interests.

▪️Stimulate a feeling of enchantment.


How to use Irresistible Me Oil:

Irresistible Me can be worn on the body, added to a bath, anointed on jewelry or dabbed into the heel of your shoe. For those of you who may be struggling with a low esteem or simply want to be more daring in your romantic undertakings, rub some directly on your heart chakra. Mix a bit in your favorite lotion or massage a bit directly into your hair. Apply a few drops to a cotton ball and carry it on you or place it in your purse. Anoint it on a picture of those whose affection you seek. Place a bit in a bowl of water and put it under your bed. Use a bit as a polish and rub down your front door. You can even add a few drops to a vase of water prior to placing your favorite flowers in it. Roses and daffodils work well!


How to use Irresistible Me Oil in a Spell or Ritual:

For ritual work, get a gold or yellow candle and carve your name and birthday directly into the candle with either a tooth pick or pen. Anoint the candle with Irresistible Me Oil by drawing the oil up the candle towards the wick. When you are ready, light the candle and state your intentions. If you have a specific love interest in mind, get a pink candle and carve the name of the person you wish to enchant into the candle. Then, carve your name directly over theirs. Get some yellow thread and gently wrap it around the candle where the names have been carved. Do not overdo the thread; It can affect the burn of the candle. When you are ready, light the Candle and say your own affirmations




Sold as a Curio. For external use only. Keep away from children and pets.

Irresistible Me | Alluring Energy | Attractive | Irresistible

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