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This Third-Party Removal Oil Blend is designed to remove anyone who is interfering in your relationship. Whether it’s a romantic rival, a meddling friend, or a family member causing unnecessary drama, this oil will energetically separate them, ensuring they no longer have an influence or access to your relationship.

You may need this Oil if:

▪️Someone is trying to interfere in your relationship.

▪️A third party is causing tension or creating obstacles between you and your partner.

▪️You want to protect your relationship from outside influences and distractions.

This ritual channels focused energy to remove the third party from your relationship’s dynamic, restoring harmony and peace. If you do not know the targeting information for the third-party, you will need to purchase the Banishing Oil instead.

ND: The Spell Oil will NOT work if targeted on a genuine couple!

HOW TO USE 3rd Party Removal Oil:

There are several ways to use the 3rd Party Removal Oil. Get a tray and fill it with vinegar, red peppers, and our 3rd Party Removal Oil. On a piece of paper, write the name of those you wish to separate. Put it in the tray so it is completely submerged in the mixture. Leave it there for 9 days. When you are done, you can either take it to a river or leave it at a crossroads. Of course, you can also put a little oil in areas where the couple will step over or on, like an entrance or near their car.


HOW TO USE 3rd Party Removal Oil IN A SPELL OR RITUAL:

To perform a removal spell or ritual, get a white candle and anoint it with 3rd Party Removal Oil, pushing the oil down and away from you towards the bottom of the candle. Get a piece of parchment paper or brown paper bag, and write the name of the person you desire. Turn the paper 90 degrees. Now write the name of the person you would like to separate from your desired interest. Do this three times. You will see both names crossing each other. Now, write your own name three times over top while stating your intention. I recommend adding a statement such as, “for all parties' highest good.” Sometimes, karma can come into play and this approach keeps you from suffering any consequences. Make sure you put the candle in an appropriate holder. Now place it over your petition and light the candle. When the candle burns out, take all the remains and leave them at a crossroads.

3rd Party Removal Oil

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