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May assist with:

▪️Canela De Velho is one of the strongest of all the Rapé types available.

▪️Deep and intensely grounding as well as extremely strong.

▪️Made with the ash made from the bark of the Canela de Velho (Miconia albicans) plant.

▪️Canela de Velho is a natural remedy for a wide variety of chronic pains in the knees, spine, and joints.

▪️Allows you to access the deeper layers of your being. It acts on three centers, mental, emotional and physical, bringing grounding energy from the head down to the root.

▪️It is great when working on the root, solar plexus , and sacral chakras.




Mapacho tobacco, sacred ashes from the bark of the Canela de Velho (Miconia albicans) plant


* This does not come with a kuripe. This is the hapé only. If you need a kuripe, please make sure you add that to your cart.

Canela De Velho - Strong | Balancing | Grounding | Protection | Clearing

VAT Included


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