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Introducing our extraordinary Bank Dirt Money Drawing Conjure Powder, a unique blend carefully collected to amplify your money-drawing magic and manifest financial abundance. This powerful concoction combines the sacred energy of bank dirt collected outside the bank with a selection of potent money-drawing spices and botanicals.

▪️It holds the essence of prosperity and wealth, enclosed in the sacred earth energy harvested during the first quarter moon phase.

▪️This special dirt is believed to carry the vibrations of financial institutions and the flow of money, creating a potent magnet for abundance.

▪️Infused within this magical blend are carefully chosen money-drawing spices and botanicals, known for their remarkable ability to attract wealth, luck, and financial opportunities.

▪️Each ingredient is thoughtfully selected for its unique properties, working in harmony to unlock the doors to financial abundance.


To use the Bank Dirt Money Drawing Conjure Powder, sprinkle a small amount in your wallet, cash register, or any area associated with money transactions. You can also incorporate it into spellwork, rituals, or charms intended to draw money and prosperity into your life. As you work with this sacred powder, visualize your financial goals, affirming your intention to manifest wealth and abundance.

Remember, the power of this powder lies within your intention and focus. Utilize it wisely, aligning your thoughts and actions with your desired financial outcome. Allow the potent energy of Bank Dirt Money Drawing Conjure Powder to support and amplify your money-drawing endeavors.

Bank Dirt

VAT Included


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