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Ayahuasca, meaning ‘vine of the soul’, is traditionally used as a plant medicine amongst the indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest.

Aya Vine alone is a sacred plant medicine and herbal agent, that has incredibly profound and powerful healing properties for the physical, mental and emotional bodies.

B-Caapi may also have the following benefits:

▪️Helps with depression and anxiety

▪️Helps focus attention

▪️Inspires creativity

▪️Increases receptivity to new ideas and ▪️Improves decision making

▪️Increases periods of being in ‘flow’

▪️Enhances intuition

▪️Brings deeper feelings of gratitude and love to self and others

▪️Grounding, and helps develop stronger boundaries

▪️Brings greater energy (and vitality)

▪️Helps release trauma, old patterns and habits

▪️Promotes deep inner calm

▪️Helps bring clarity to finding and fulfilling your life purpose

▪️Can help relieve symptoms of neuro-degenerative diseases (Parkinsons etc)

▪️Hunting aid (improved vision)


Place 5 drops under your tongue and allow it to sit for 20 minutes, preferably during meditation, before swallowing. Resting your tongue gently against the roof of your mouth for the 20 minutes decreases saliva and aids a more comfortable meditation.

The dosage can be increased or decreased after 7 days, according to your mental, emotional and physical response to the original 5 drops.

Trust your intuition with this, as it is believed the spirit of the medicine will guide you to find your personalized dose. Guidance can vary on a daily or weekly basis.

There are no dietary restrictions while micro-dosing on Banisteriopsis Caapi, however you may find a decreased desire for certain food and an increased awareness for cleaner, healthier living.

A Course of B-Caapi is suggested for 30 days. Followed by a 14 day break, before beginning the second course. Then repeat, 30 days on, 14 days off. Again, trust your intuition with this, if it feels right to take a longer break between courses, do so.

Aya Vine Drops (Banisteriopsis Caapi)

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