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It is impossible to create love -- even in the wizarding world. But, as the ancient discovered, you can concoct a potion that causes the drinker to become powerfully infatuated with the person that gave it to them.

🍂 A chemical hormone called a pheromone stimulates the part of our brains that increases our feelings of longing and attraction. Based off of that, various oils and perfumes have been created that include these pheromones, which supposedly attract the opposite sex.

▪️ Rekindling the spark in a relationship has health benefits for both mind and body and enjoying a love potion together is a perfect way to spend time together and turn your focus to your relationship.

▪️ This Love Potion Invite affection and aphrodisiacs to provoke and prolong arousal. Renders the drinker madly in love.

▪️ Specially infused with pheromones to stimulate sex appeal and sends out subconscious romantic signals to the opposite sex.


✔️Light a pink candle and speak an affirmation over the jar. You can’t cast a love spell without intention. Charge your love potion with romantic or self-affirming energy by lighting a pink candle next to the jar. Then, say your intention for the potion out loud while the candle burns.

✔️Let the candle burn until it naturally flickers out. The longer your candle burns, the more energy your potion will have. If the flame goes out sooner than you’d like, no worries! Simply continue relighting the candle to keep your path toward love clear.

✔️Drizzle the love potion over salads, cheese, deserts, fruit, Cake and ice cream and serve your lover!


Aphrodite's Love Potion | Come To Me

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