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May assist with:





Protecting and clearing

▪️This shamanic snuff aims on removing bad luck from your life and dissolving all negative energies accumulated around your aura.

▪️This kind of Rapé also cleanses the aura around you and harmonizes the energetic field.

▪️The indigenous people use this blend in order to remove what they call “Panema”.

▪️Behind the name hides all general negative energy, which can bring illness, uncomfortable feeling and make things unlucky in everyday life. That kind of negative energy manifests itself and begins to accumulate in the energy field around people. Fortunately, there are ways to spearate yourself from the negativeness around you – Rapé Alfavaca is one of the most successful ones.

▪️This unique blend consists of natural compounds that work similarly to Kambo and Sananga. Recharge your aura with positive energy and empower yourself to achieve greatness in life.


Mapacho, sacred ashes of Tsunu & Alfalfa leaves


3G vial


* This does not come with a kuripe. This is the hapé only. If you need a kuripe, please make sure you add that to your cart.

Alfavaca | Aura Cleansing | Luck | Protecting

VAT Included


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